Trainer demonstrations
Table of contents
- Learning Path 1: Explore Azure App Service
- Learning Path 02: Implement task processing logic by using Azure Functions
- Learning Path 03: Develop solutions that use Blob storage
- Learning Path 04: Develop solutions that use Azure Cosmos DB
- Learning Path 05: Implement containerized solutions
- Learning Path 06: Implement user authentication and authorization
- Learning Path 07: Implement secure cloud solutions
- Learning Path 08: Implement API Management
- Learning Path 09: Develop event-based solutions
- Learning Path 10: Develop message-based solutions
- Learning Path 11: Troubleshoot solutions by using Application Insights
- Learning Path 12: Implement caching for solutions
Learning Path 1: Explore Azure App Service
Deploy Web App using Git repository
az login gitrepo="" $gitrepo az group create --location eastus --name <resource-group-name> az appservice plan create --name <web-app-service-plan-name> --resource-group <resource-group-name> --sku FREE az webapp create --name <web-app-service-name> --resource-group <resource-group-name> --plan <web-app-service-plan-name> az webapp deployment source config --name <web-app-service-name> --resource-group <resource-group-name> --repo-url $gitrepo --branch master --manual-integration