Trainer References
Table of contents
- Learning Path 1: Implement Azure App Service web apps
- Learning Path 2: Implement task processing logic by using Azure Functions
- Learning Path 3: Develop solutions that use Blob storage
- Learning Path 4: Develop solutions that use Azure Cosmos DB
- Learning Path 5: Implement containerized solutions
- Learning Path 6: Implement user authentication and authorization
- Learning Path 7: Implement secure cloud solutions
- Learning Path 8: Implement API Management
- Learning Path 9: Develop event-based solutions
- Learning Path 10: Develop message-based solutions
- Learning Path 11: Troubleshoot solutions by using Application Insights
- Learning Path 12: Implement caching for solutions
Learning Path 1: Implement Azure App Service web apps
Learning Path 2: Implement task processing logic by using Azure Functions
Lessons | Notes |
Explore Azure Functions | - Azure Functions pricing |
Develop Azure Functions | - Develop Azure Functions locally using Core Tools - Code and test Azure Functions locally - Develop Azure Functions by using Visual Studio Code - Command line tools for Azure Functions (GitHub) |
Learning Path 3: Develop solutions that use Blob storage
Lessons | Notes |
Explore Azure Blob storage | - Understanding block blobs, append blobs, and page blobs - Access tiers for blob data |
Work with Azure Blob storage | - BlobClient Class - BlobClientOptions Class - BlobContainerClient Class - BlobServiceClien Class - BlobUriBuilder Class - Azure Storage REST API Reference |
Learning Path 4: Develop solutions that use Azure Cosmos DB
Lessons | Notes | ||
Explore Azure Cosmos DB | - Explore Azure Cosmos DB for developers | - Azure Cosmos DB developer - Resource Units | - How to choose between provisioned throughput and serverless - How to choose between standard (manual) and autoscale provisioned throughput - Azure Cosmos DB capacity calculator - Azure Cosmos DB pricing |
- Partitioning | - Partitioning and horizontal scaling in Azure Cosmos DB | ||
- Item | - Azure Cosmos DB properties of an item | ||
- Consistency levels | - Consistency levels in Azure Cosmos DB | ||
- Queries | - Cosmos DB Documents | ||
Work with Azure Cosmos DB | - .NET SDK | -Azure Cosmos DB Developer - Azure Cosmos DB SDKs - CosmosClient Class | |
Extra | - Migrate data | - Migrate data to Azure Cosmos DB using the desktop data migration tool - Migrate hundreds of terabytes of data into Azure Cosmos DB |
Learning Path 5: Implement containerized solutions
Lessons | Notes |
Manage Container Images in Azure Container Registry | - Dockerfile reference (Docker Docs) - Dockerfile on Windows - Publishing and exposing ports (Docker Docs) - ACR Service tier features and limits |
Run container images in Azure Container Instances | - Choose an Azure compute service - Choose an Azure compute option for microservices - Microsoft Artifact Registry - Use storage mounts in Azure Container Apps - Docker Volumes (Docker Docs) |
Implement Azure Container Apps | - Azure Container Apps overview - Azure Container Apps (Darp Docs) - Tutorial: Deploy a Dapr application to Azure Container Apps using the Azure CLI |
Learning Path 6: Implement user authentication and authorization
Lessons | Notes |
Explore the Microsoft identity platform | - What is the Microsoft identity platform? |
Implement authentication by using the Microsoft Authentication Library | - Overview of the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) - Choosing a version of MSAL.NET |
Explore Microsoft Graph | - Microsoft Graph quick start - Graph Explorer |
Learning Path 7: Implement secure cloud solutions
Learning Path 8: Implement API Management
| Lessons | Notes | | — | — | | - Explore API Management | - Azure API Management v2 tiers Supported regions
- API Management policy reference
- Azure APIM - Add an API manually
- API Management policy reference
Learning Path 9: Develop event-based solutions
Lessons | Notes |
Explore Azure Event Grid | - Azure Event Grid event schema |
Explorer Azure Event Hubs | - Schema Registry in Azure Event Hubs - Client-side schema enforcement - Stream processing with Azure Stream Analytics (Architecture) |
Explore Azure Event Hubs | - Scaling with Event Hubs - Choose between Azure messaging services - Event Grid, Event Hubs, and Service Bus |
Hands-on Labs | - Azure-Samples/azure-event-grid-viewer |
Learning Path 10: Develop message-based solutions
Lessons | Notes |
Service Bus | - Use a message broker and events to integrate enterprise systems (Architecture) - Choose between Azure messaging services - Event Grid, Event Hubs, and Service Bus |
Learning Path 11: Troubleshoot solutions by using Application Insights
Lessons | Notes |
Azure Monitor Insights | - Azure Monitor Insights overview |
Application Insights | - Azure Monitor Application Insights overview |
Learning Path 12: Implement caching for solutions
Lessons | Notes |
Develop for Azure Cache for Redis | - Redis Open Source ( - Redis Cloud Essentials plans ( - Redis enterprise - Redis CLI ( |
Develop for storage on CDNs | - Content Delivery Network limits |